Who Made The Flag

I think it is Betsy Ross because she could make a five pointed star and there is a five pointed star on the flag there was also found a five pointed star in Samuel Wetherill’s safe since 1776 also Colonel George ross and General George Washington they went to church together so after church one Read More…


“Real appreciation must flow from the deep seas of the heart.” To honer mlk jr on his birthday we do service in honer of him  because he stoped black and white people from being sperated everyone could go to school together no more colerd fountins. i toke out the trash and put dirty dishes in Read More…


I would help bulid toys wrap presents.Feed the raindeer help mr and mrs Clause out.And puting presents in santas bag and give water to the raindeer so they could stay haydrid.

Row Your Site

A stonefish is a ugly fish its mostly brown in color.It uses camouflage helps it blend like rocks or coral.If you get stung by the stonefish you need to see a doctor right now to get the right medicine. This information is from http://facts4me.com.